Word of Life Church members share thier stories of healing
Do you wish that you could be healed? If you need help with a health issue, the Bible gives us a promise of healing. Healing that’s based on timeless spiritual laws. Anyone can learn and apply these spiritually scientific ideas and experience God’s goodness.
Healed of Crohn's Disease By Andrew Remaly
First and foremost, I would like to give thanks to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who without, none of this is possible. Secondly I want to thank all the prayers of the people who love and support me, especially my father, who knows the power behind prayer. And lastly from the deepest part of me, I want to thank everyone at Word of Life Church, who gave me such inspiration and encou ragement for my healing. And I want to thank all of them for staying true to the written Word of God and all the materials and resources they provided for my healing. Thank you!Read Full Testimony
Healed of Diabetes Debra Nicklas
In December 2009, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. At first I was relieved to know what the problem was, because I was having excruciating pain for months without relief in sight. Then I got angry at the devil remembering that:1 John 3:8 “The reason the Son of God appeared (manifested) was to destroy the devil’s work”. 2 Timothy 2:26 “and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.” I started battling with it in prayer and stood on many promises from the Word, especially Isaiah 49:25-26 (New King James Version): But thus says the LORD: “Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, And the prey of the terrible be delivered; For I will contend with him who contends with you, And I will save your children.Read Full Testimony
Healed of Kidney Stones By Thomas Kirkman
Throughout the years I’ve had several attacks of kidney stones. Prayer and standing on the Word of God has brought victory every time. Twice I went to the E.R. for a pain killing shot to help me manage the pain until my healing was manifested. The last time I had an attack, the pain was so severe. It was late on a Saturday evening, the E.R. doctor wouldn’t give me a shot for the pain unless I had blood work and X-rays taken...Read Full Testimony
Healed of Graves Disease By Rhonda Butz
Near the end of the year 2003, I began noticing symptoms in my body that, after a period of time, began to concern me. Among them was an involuntary loss of weight and an excessive appetite. I was losing much weight despite the fact that I was actually forcing myself to eat more food to try to gain weight. When I realized something was very wrong, I went to my family doctor to find out what it was. After running many tests, the doctor informed me that I was suffering with Grave’s Disease and recommended that I seek a specialist in that field...Read Full Testimony
Healed of Cold & Flu By Rhonda Butz
My husband and I were planning on having dinner guests after church one Sunday. We had invited a couple from church to come to our home on one particular Sunday. Due to each of our schedules being quite full, this was the only Sunday that would work for each of us over about a 6-week period. So we were looking forward to spending time with this couple on that set date. During the week just prior to that Sunday, I had to work my part-time job at a local flower shop...Read Full Testimony
Healed of Rheumatoid Arthritis By Rita Erunse
In December 2009, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. At first I was relieved to know what the problem was, because I was having excruciating pain for months without relief in sight. Then I got angry at the devil remembering that:1 John 3:8 “The reason the Son of God appeared (manifested) was to destroy the devil’s work”. 2 Timothy 2:26 “and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.” I started battling with it in prayer and stood on many promises from the Word, especially Isaiah 49:25-26 (New King James Version): But thus says the LORD: “Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, And the prey of the terrible be delivered; For I will contend with him who contends with you, And I will save your children.Read Full Testimony
Healed of Lupus By Diane Horan
My healing began back in April of 1999. I had been diagnosed with Lupus, an autoimmune deficiency disease that, in my case, affected my joints. The Lupus left me in constant pain all over my body and on occasion I would have swollen, fluid-filled joints that would need to be drained. There were days that I could hardly walk and when I would relax, my hands would curl up like they were beginning to atrophy. My Rheumatologist told me there was no cure and that I would most likely be raising my children from a wheel chair. His advice to me was to stop fighting the disease and accept it....Read Full Testimony
Healed of Acute Back Pain By Cathy Heisler
When listening to healing messages, I’ve heard many preachers say that if we are tolerant of something, we will stay that way. How true! Believing for one’s healing takes work on our part. It takes a fight to stand up against the enemy and say “enough is enough, I’m not settling! Not anymore!” In the Bible, God says to “try Him” to see if His Word is true. It is! One day I decided to stand up and fight and it worked! For the majority of my life I’ve been plagued with back problems. I’ve gone to a chiropractor for many years and have been treated with “adjustments” and therapy. I’ve been told that I have a spinal curvature and arthritis in certain parts of my spine. Through the teachings on healing and “spirit, soul and body”, I have learned that God never intended for me to have those things, that Jesus suffered and died for those chronic conditions and everything else that could possibly come down the pike to afflict us...Read Full Testimony
My Healing Journey in Christ By Dr. Felix Colon Ph.D
In July 2005, I was sitting in my office when all of a sudden I felt very sick. My blood pressure went sky high and I passed out on my job. The ambulance was called and they rushed me to the hospital. As standard routine of hospitals, they ran all the necessary tests and blood work. The doctor told me the results of the tests and said I had prostate cancer and that unless I had immediate surgery, he determined I had only 3 months to live. He said that, unfortunately, the cancer was far too advanced for any successful treatment, other than surgery to stop it from spreading. When he told me I had cancer I started to laugh. The doctor looked at me stunned and said “are you not accepting the condition that you are in and that you will die if you do not have surgery right away”? This is where my journey began....Read Full Testimony